【同义词辨析】 2017-12-11 忍受bear-stand

bear: usually implies the power to sustain what is distressing or hurtful without flinching or breaking: forced to ~ one personal tragedy after another.   (sustain有遭受的意思, to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat遭受损失/伤/遭到失败)   (flinch退缩: failure to endure with resolution不能承受,如faced her accusers without flinching面对指责她的人毫不退缩)

suffer: often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing: never ~ed a single insult to go unchallenged.

endure: implies meeting trials and difficulties with continued firm resolution: ~d the years of neglect and rejection.

abide: suggests acceptance without resistance or protest: I cannot ~ her chronic rudeness.

tolerate: suggests overcoming or successfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something injurious or distasteful: ~d his affairs for the sake of the children.

brook: implies self-assertion and defiance: will not ~ restraint.

stand: emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discomposure or flinching: she cannot ~ teasing. (discompose有点慌乱: 在压力下稍微有点紧张没把握, 如discomposed by the hecklers' shout有人诘问,变得有点慌乱)

bear忍受: 承受(sustain)痛苦伤害不屈服退缩,suffer忍受: 往往表示被动接受,而不是bear的勇气耐心, endure忍耐: 表示用坚定决心(continued firm resolution决心)面对考验困难,abide忍受: 接受不抵抗不抗议,tolerate容忍: 表示控制克服冲动不去怨恨抵制避开有害引人不快的,brook也是容忍: 表示坚持己见(self-assertion)抗命(defiance不听从),stand: 更加强调能忍受,不慌乱不退缩

记忆方法: 1)首字母BS EAT BS把BS想成不食<==忍受不吃

         2)忍受的意思是承受考验或痛苦mean to put up with something trying or painful.